July 24, 2024


Step Into The Technology

What Is Homeshoring?

2 min read

Homeshoring is one of the latest developments in the field of call centers. It implies a home-based call center which provides all the services of an actual call centre. Now-a-days many companies all across the world prefer to hire home-based call center employees. This provides a career opportunity for stay-at-home parents, people with disabilities or senior citizens who cannot go out to work because of various reasons.

What Is Homeshoring?

Homeshoring means employing home-based call center agents to perform various call center jobs. The technology used provides all the necessary support to these agents with the help of a good Internet connection and a telephone. The home-based agents do not have to install any applications needed to perform their job. The homeshoring technology links them to the server of the parent company which provides them all the support needed. The companies can even monitor the performance of these agents and provide training to them if and when required.

This technology has reduced the need of outsourcing jobs to employees sitting in foreign countries. It has resulted in increased job opportunities for the onshore employees.

Customer Satisfaction

Previously, when jobs were outsourced, agents sitting in foreign countries had trouble handling the customers due to the difference in culture. A simple query became a nightmare for any customer. As a result, a large number of customers changed their loyalty and started using the services of other companies. A home-based agent became a perfect solution to all these problems. These agents handle all the queries of customers in an effective manner and ensure customer satisfaction.

Virtual Careers

This technology gives career opportunities to the people who cannot go out of their home because of various constraints. Stay-at-home mothers, senior citizens, people with various disabilities who cannot commute all benefit from this type of work. This technology enables all these people to work from their houses and earn a decent living.

Profitable option

Earlier jobs were outsourced on a large scale due to the availability of cheap labour. Inspite of cheap labour, companies had to incur huge costs to set up offices. Home-based contact centers are very cost-effective in this respect. They save on various overhead costs such as electricity, rent, maintenance, etc. Hence, a profitable option.

As a result, the demand for home-based call centers is increasing day by day.

Homeshoring has brought a revolution in the call center industry. This technology is being rapidly adopted by all businesses that involve customer interaction.

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