39 Photos That Will Give 2000s Girls Flashbacks
Oh, to be playing Pixel Chix in your room full of blow-up furniture…
Everyone else gone? Okay, good. SO my 2000s girls, we all know we grew up in the best era. We had unparalleled TV shows and movies — think Cadet Kelly, Totally Spies, and Life-Size — impeccable fashion, and sooo many great games.
But I’d like to take it back with some even more specific, obscure things — things you probably haven’t thought about in decades. Are you ready?
In case your memory needs jogging, here’s the title screen, where you assigned your personality, and your room:
To jog your memory:
David ‘mamehaze’ Haywood / YouTube / Via youtube.com
If only it was this easy IRL.
And I would be remiss not to mention Designer’s World, the version where you could become a fashion designer!
Or just going on Stardoll and trying your hand at designing celebs. Probably not Conan O’Brien but you know, the option was there.
If like me, you were very into playing spy as a kid, you definitely had one of those lipsticks that could record things. Although I don’t know what we were expecting to catch on tape. Our parents talking about what’s for dinner?
Speaking of Barbie…I bet you can HEAR this photo.
As a mermaid girl, I also have to mention The Tale of Emily Windsnap…
…and H2O: Just Add Water.
Specifically, the way they swam, which I always tried to replicate.
Network Ten
It’s harder than it looks.
I’ve been kind of avoiding mentioning TV because I feel like most people remember the great 2000s girl TV but I gotta mention Clifford’s Puppy Days, wherein Clifford was SMALL!!!!!
PBS/Courtesy Everett Collection
Did these photos jog your memory for any other extremely specific 2000s memories? Let us know in the comments below!