Tuesday, April 5, 2022
8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and County Clerk Linda Fritz. Special guest was Jerimiah Rieman, Executive Director, Wyoming County Commissioner’s Association.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.
Jeanne moved to approve the minutes from March 1 & 2, 2022. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Fred moved to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS Crook County adopted the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget in accordance with the Wyoming Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act; and
WHEREAS the Board of Crook County Commissioners wishes to amend the adopted budget in accordance with the same Act; and
WHEREAS, no protests were received regarding such transfer.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following budget amendments are made.
• $74,472.49 to Road & Bridge Budget-Bridger Pipeline line -from Unanticipated Revenues
Dated this 5st day of April, 2022
Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming by Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman, Jeanne A.
Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman and Fred M. Devish, Member.
State of Wyoming }
County of Crook }
Signed or attested before me on April 5, 2022 by Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman, Jeanne A. Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman and Fred M. Devish, Member, Board of Crook County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming.
Linda Fritz, Crook County Clerk
Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Jeanne moved to transfer funds as follows: Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-112, notice is given that a Resolution has been proposed to transfer the following funds. Notice is further given that a hearing of the Board of Crook County Commissioners of Crook County, Wyoming will be held on May 3, 2022 at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to consider such proposed resolutions:
• $13,233.00 to the State Grants Budget-Community Juvenile Srvs Board line-from Unanticipated Revenues
• $500.00 to the Fire Fund budget-Fire Fund Donations Zone 21 line-from Unanticipated Revenues
Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Fred moved to approve the health insurance proposal with WEBT. There will be no changes from last year, with the County paying 100% of an employee only policy and 80% on all other health plans. Vision and dental will be employee paid. There was only a 2% increase to the health insurance premiums. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Jeanne moved to approve the final FY20-21 audit as corrected from last month. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Fred moved for the Chairman to sign an Affidavit of Ownership for a vehicle title for a trailer that was sold at the county auction. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
The following bills were presented to the Board:
Claimant-Description-Amount Allowed:
Total Wages and Cell Phone Stipend-$218,286.81;The Master’s Touch, LLC-NOV Mailing Fees-$3,280.00;AFLAC-Insurance-$2,160.26;Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming-Health Insurance-$67,561.00;Clerk of the District Court-Garnishment-$413.00;Col. Life & Accident Ins. Co.-Insurance-$48.07;Crook County Payroll Tax Account-Withholding & Social Security-$63,133.83;Delta Dental of Wyoming-Dental Insurance-$2,897.00;Great-West Trust Company, LLC-Deferred Compensation-$2,465.00;NCPERS Wyoming-Life Insurance-$160.00;New York Life Insurance Company-Life Insurance-$607.96;VSP-Vision Insurance-$764.98;WY Department of Workforce Services-Worker’s Compensation-$8,649.01;Wyoming Retirement System-Retirement-$50,326.34;Wyoming Educator’s Benefit Trust-Life Insurance-$229.84;All Around Hardware-Parts & Gloves-$61.97;Alsco-Shop & Courthouse Supplies-$462.39;April D. Gill-Cell Phone Reimbursement-$45.00;AT&T Mobility-Cell Phone-$1,369.42;Bickles Truck & Diesel Service-Parts & Labor-$4,220.28;Big Horn Tire Inc.-Parts, Labor, Batteries, Tires-$5,049.48;Bighorn Hydraulics Inc-Crimp Fittings-$66.65;BJ Nelson Inc-Auto Blade Door Glass Glue In-$297.67;Black Hills Chemical Co.-Courthouse Supplies-$986.61;Black Hills Energy-Electricity -$158.92;BN Doors, LLC-LM Remotes-$600.00;Campbell County Memorial Hospital-Title 25 Hospitalization-$3,016.00;Casey Hise-Mileage-$294.84;CBH Co-op-Fuel-$26,027.10;Centurylink-E911 Telephone-$1,412.65;Children’s Home Society-Forensic Interviews-$300.00;City of Gillette-Water-$6.50;City of Sundance-Water & Building Permit-$1,797.41;Colin Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$7,789.49;Collins Communications-Repair, Programming, Install, Alarm Monitoring-$1,121.00;Crook County Medical Service Dist.-Prisoner Foods & Meals, Inmate Medical-$7,249.66;Crook County Treasurer-Postage-$283.85;Cummins Sales & Service-Parts & Labor-$3,849.88;Custom Auto & Truck-Labor, Parts, Services-$1,837.70;Dakota Equipment Rental-Parts & Labor-$164.22;Decker’s Market-Supplies-$148.49;DOT/FHWA-Sand Creek Project Expenses-$3,710.94;Dru Consulting LLC-Consulting Services-$1,500.00;Employment Testing Services Inc-Drug Screening-$258.00;Fastenal Company-Parts-$171.35;Floyds Truck Center WY-Parts-$631.81;Fred Devish-Mileage-$332.28;Galls, LLC-Pants-$109.99;Grimm’s Pump & Industrial Supply-Parts-$218.18;Grossenburg Implement Inc-Parts-$353.45;HDR Engineering, Inc.-Professional Services-$10,616.25;Heimans Fire Equipment-Parts-$11,398.40;Hulett Post Prom-Donation-$100.00;Humphrey Law LLC-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$473.20;Jeffrey Hodge-Cell Phone Reimbursement-$45.00;JW Services, LLC-Contract Hauling -$1,513.04;Kathleen R Allen-Reimbursement-$120.00;KC Transport, Inc.-Contract Hauling -$10,811.66;Kimball Midwest-Parts-$615.31;KLH Consulting Inc-Laptop, Computer Services, Tech Support-$13,862.26;Knecht Home Center of Spearfish LLC-Parts, Countertop, Cables, Paint-$1,662.61;Kyle Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$5,159.84;Lakeview Wash & Storage-Car Washes-$105.92;Local Government Liability Pool-County Renewals & Deductible-$31,148.00;Marco Technologies LLC-Copy / Maint. Fee-$165.48;Max Robert Masters-GIS Consulting & Mapping Contract-$3,400.00;Meadowlark Counseling-Employment Eval-$250.00;MG Oil Company-Grease-$72.94;Moorcroft Post Prom-Donation-$100.00;Morgan Ellsbury-Refund-$1,060.00;North Central International Inc-Parts-$2,731.50;Northern Car Brokers-2019 Ford-$39,900.00;Powder River Energy Corp.-Electricity -$6,252.38;Quality Agg & Construction, Inc-Base-$347.70;Quality Hardware & Supply-Parts-$278.04;Quill Corporation-Office Supplies-$428.32;R&S Northeast LLC-Medications-$93.74;Randy Bury-Mileage-$751.06;Range Telephone Cooperative Inc-Telephone-$6,891.40;RG Trucking-Contract Hauling -$22,676.94;Robert’s Machine & Repair-Parts & Labor-$6,920.20;Rolling Metal Sinclair-Fuel-$61.31;Runnings Supply Inc-Driver Bit Set, Supplies-$347.88;Scott Newlin-Mileage-$187.20;Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$6,246.81;Sign Solutions-Signs-$554.60;Signature Auto Sales-Man Basket-$1,650.00;Source Management Inc-Supplies-$994.65;State of Wyoming-Mainframe User Access-$28.78;Stereos N Stuff-Speaker Wire-$59.98;Stewart Trucking LLC-Contract Hauling -$4,411.83;Sundance Dental Clinic-Inmate Dental -$199.00;Sundance Electric Inc-Parts & Labor-$2,693.52;Sundance Extinguisher LLC-Annual Extinguisher Inspection-$155.00;Sundance Hardware & Sporting Goods-Parts & Supplies-$948.67;Sundance Law PC-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$230.00;Sundance Post Prom-Donation-$100.00;Sundance State Bank-Direct Deposit Fees-Feb & March-$20.71;Sundance Times-Stamps, Ads, Legal-$2,173.30;Svoboda Trucking-Contract Hauling -$23,309.20;Sylvestri Customization-Monthly Website Maint, Graphic Design & Social Media-$2,879.50;TMS South-Valves-$3,308.16;Tongue River Communications-Jail Cable -$91.00;Top Office Products, Inc.-Copies, Copy Charge, Later Files, Treasurer Furniture-$12,016.42;Town of Hulett-Water-$60.30;Town of Moorcroft-Water-$66.72;Tracy Motor Company-Parts & Supplies-$5,121.39;University of Wyoming-Salary-$16,539.75;US Post Office-G&D Box Dues-$84.00;Vilas Pharmacy-Jail Meds, Tissue-$658.34;Visa-Adobe, Supplies, Equipment, Registration, Travel Expenses, Internet, Parts & Labor, Postage, Straight Talk-$9,939.56;Visionary Broadband-Internet Service-$952.61;W Bar Feed & Ranch Supply-Parts-$117.20;Watchguard Video-Equipment-$930.00;Western Stationers-Office Supplies-$162.90;White’s Queen City-Parts & Repairs-$3,120.01;Windstream-Telephone-$109.79;WY County & Prosecuting Attorneys Assoc.-2022 Dues-$200.00;WY Department of Workforce Services-Worker’s Compensation-$631.90;WY Retirement System-Firemen’s Retirement -$637.50;WY State Forestry Division-Parts & Repairs-$5,922.10;WYDOT Motor Vehicle Division-Vehicle Plates-$7.00;WYDOT-Financial Services-Project Expenditures-$117.57;Wyoming Behavioral Institute-Title 25-5 days-$3,770.00;Wyoming County Commissioners Association-Legislative Conference-$100.00;Wyoming Machinery Company-Parts & Labor-$5,223.14;Wyoming Public Health Laboratory-Testing-$14.00;Xpediter Technology-Tech Support-$200.00;Total-$794,190.77;
Fred moved to allow all bills as presented. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried. A complete, detailed listing of the monthly expenditures can be found on the county website. They can be found under the County Budget tab and are listed as “Monthly Accounts Payable/Payroll Payments”.
Jeanne moved to approve a letter to Sundance State Bank removing Melanie Wilmer and adding Trisha Habeck to the Public Health credit card. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Jeff Hodge, County Sheriff, Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer, Joseph Baron, County Attorney, Tina Wood, Clerk of District Court and Theresa Curren, County Assessor were present to go over items of interest within their departments.
Linda Fritz, County Clerk: Office recorded 513 documents, issued 313 titles, worked on Commissioner paperwork and prepped for meeting, worked with Aladdin Water District on their election, worked with other special districts, worked on road hearing paperwork, Melissa worked on setting up Docupro and training the Treasurer’s office on the software, Melissa and Linda organized the storage vault in the basement, Meghan cleaned up the road files and put in the road file cabinets, office has been steady, Linda presented her official resignation/retirement letter to the Board, Melissa attended salary committee meetings.
Jeff Hodge, County Sheriff: Presented the monthly calls-495 calls for service, an average of 12 inmates in the jail per day, more suicide attempts/threats calls in the school district, doing opioid/Fentanyl education in the schools, patrol room is done, working with Motorola to move the radio equipment in the basement, went to Cheyenne to attend the signing of the new SAPA bill, working with fire departments on switching over to Wyo-link, still short on dispatchers, working on fire repeater in the Alva area.
Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer: Total receipts were $1,168,747.53 and disbursements to the county, county boards, towns and schools were $751,350.74. In March we did 2,216 transactions. We sent our 2021 plate and tab year end abstract to the State. Krystyna and Teresa attended a sales tax webinar. I worked on the office budget. Our new desks came in, all went well. I had a NSF check – had to get the Crook Co Sheriff dept involved to seize plates – he had moved to Campbell Co – got Campbell Co Sheriff dept involved – he had moved to Converse Co, then he finally did pay which included more in penalties and interest on his sales tax. Worked with the techs from Tyler Technologies on updating on how we do temporaries and mobile machinery. Printing new, easier to read property tax receipts and we also have the income tax receipt attached to the motor vehicle registration now. I figured and emailed an estimate for 3 mills to Kathy with the City of Sundance as she requested. Mel came down and is getting us set up to use DocuPro program. Participated in the Salary Committee meeting and Elected Official meeting. The state has been working with Treasurers on the ad valorem mineral payment transmittal. State has funded beginning 2022 the state property tax relief program. Also SF19 Passed which is the County optional property tax refund program. Brenda is working on digitizing the tax roll ledgers. She is currently on the late 1990’s. Joe Baron, County Attorney: Joe: New Cases: 24 Closed Cases: 49 Current Case Load: 91 In Court: 19
Lynda: New Cases: 23 Closed Cases: 33 Current Case Load: 81 In Court: 36 Lynda was nominated as one of three candidates for the Circuit Court Judge. We’ll know at the end of May the Governor’s decision if I need to replace her. We received notice that we will receive $13,233 in funding from DFS and JSAB for Wendy’s salary. We continue to hold court in person and by Video Conference with TEAMS, and both review multiple law enforcement investigations and cases. We are starting to get our case management software set up in the office. Joe dealt with the County civil matters including the telephone bill and courthouse internet issues, reviewed sales tax and lodging tax resolution matters, Title 25 Agreement with WBI, reviewed BLM and Forest Service Land Use Planning documents. Also, met with and reviewed potential IT Audit contractor. Worked on bond reviews, legal advice for elected officials concerning duties. County Road matters — Review FRTA Easements from Forest Service, researched Inyan Kara Creek Bridge on County Road No. 93 plans. Public Road matters — Worked on alteration of South Mountain Road and vacation of a portion of South Mountain Road. Special district matters — Advised Assessor and Clerk and District members, about mapping and Aladdin Water District election issues. Funding Legislature — Managing State Budget Item 160 through the legislative process. This is the budget that reimburses counties for a portion of the County Attorney salaries. I was able to get it increased 10% back to prior appropriation and will cover any shortfalls for FY 2022 and keep the funding continuing through the last few years of economic downturn. I have worked on this for quite some time and almost exclusively the last few years. This funding provided $74,590.00 per year for $149,180 reimbursement for Attorney Salaries to the County for past two years and will provide $80,000 per year for the next two years totaling $160,000.00. Title 25 – Joe was able to save the County $11,219 for one patient, by utilizing the Medicaid rate Resolution recommended by the County Attorney and approved by the Commissioners last year. To date the county has saved $14,235 and $8,963.00 on two other cases that were billed to Crook County for a total savings of $34,417.00 this fiscal year. Contract Reviews – I reviewed the following contracts, MOU’s, Grants and funding agreements in the past month: $603,000 from the county for the Sheriff’s Office, $25,000 to the Public Health office, $ 265,000 from the county for the Growth and Development Office, $ 25,000 from the county for the Facilities Office, $7,000 from the Commissioners from state grant funds. Also reviewed several Wildland Firefighting and funding agreements.
Tina Wood, Clerk of District Court: We moved into the jury room March 21st to accommodate the facilities to install new carpet and paint the office. We moved back in on March 31st. We are still having issues with the telephone and have contacted the provider. I attended the Child Support meeting in Newcastle; Attended the Salary Committee meeting and the elected officials meeting. The office will be closed April 8th from 8:30 – 1:00 so that we can attend the robing ceremony for District Judge Matthew Castano.
Theresa Curren, County Assessor: 2022 Notices of Assessment will be mailed on April 7th. End of protest period is May 9th. Assessments have increased countywide, especially rural areas, due to sales being higher than what properties are assessed. The 2023 Eagleview flyover for 3-6 resolution for populated areas was approved by the governor. We requested several rural areas that we would like flown as well. Talked about tax relief programs offered by the state and how one program was funded for 2022.
County Commissioners: Jeanne: Met with Dru Bower and Sarah Anderson and took a short tour ref: the Black Hills National Forest rewrite, involved with and went to the NE Wyoming Outdoor Recreation collaborative, came to the Courthouse and met with multiple people, discussed the approval by the State to do the “flyover” for GIS/assessment purposes, worked on broadband issues. Fred: Talked with some taxpayers on road issues and dust control, attended the Republican convention in the basement, worked with the Sheriff, Morgan, Larry & Doug. Kelly: Did some tours around the county roads, multiple phone calls regarding county business, discussed the idea of zoning all the current county land at its’current use so that new subdivisions are required to have proper roads to the subdivisions and the property will need to be rezoned from ag to residential and there will be more strict requirements before the subdivision can be put in place.
The following monthly collections were collected:
County Clerk $15,439.75
County Sheriff $39,394.50
Clerk of District Court $8,145.98
Circuit Court $16,788.00
Public Health (February) $21,788.97
Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer submitted the following monthly report of receipts and disbursements for month end March 2022:
Receipts: Property Tax $108,997.38
Sales Tax $138,162.44
Misc Receipts $622,673.55
County Auto $298,914.16
Total $1,168,747.53
Disbursements Towns $140,378.98
County Boards/Districts $353,425.70
State & Local School $61,526.88
DOT/DOR/Rebate $195,380.68
Redemption $638.50
Total $751,350.74
Investments Sundance State Bank $0.000
Wyo-Star $411,709.54 $81.31 February interest
Wyoming Class $1,001,144.83 $138.27 February interest
Morgan Ellsbury, Road and Bridge Superintendent and Larry Schommer, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor gave monthly reports.
Jeanne moved to draft a letter of support for bridge replacement on County Road 112. Fred seconded, all ayes motion carried.
The Board had a working lunch with Jerimiah Rieman so that he could update them on legislation that recently passed and ARPA funds.
1:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and County Clerk Linda Fritz.
Carol Stutzman, Public Health Nurse Manager, gave a monthly report. She introduced Trisha Habeck as the new Public Health Response Coordinator. Katie Allen, Prevention Specialist, Public Health gave a monthly report. Fred moved to approve a Memorandum of Understanding Between Wyoming Department of Health, Public Health Division and Crook County for COVID 19 disease surveillance and testing activities for $25,000.00. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried. Bob Latham and Doug Leis, County Fire Warden, presented a revised county fire zone map. Fred moved to approve the adjustments to the fire zones as presented. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried. Carolyn Fowler, Secretary, Fair Board, gave a monthly report
Jeanne moved to go into executive session at 1:28 o’clock p.m. per W.S. 16-4-405(a)(ii). Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Back in regular session at 1:43 o’clock p.m.
Jeanne moved to approve of the letter to Beth Callaway at the Governor’s Office requesting the expanded use of the Federal Natural Resource Policy Account funds retained by the County. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Tim Lyons, Growth and Development Administrator, gave a monthly report. After discussion about the road sign project, Fred approved the Contract With Independent Contractor For Services and or Materials. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Present for the hearing on the Petition to Alter a Portion of Public Road known as the South Mountain Road No. 281were Joe Baron, Tim Lyons, Tina Wood, Tammy Jundt, Morgan Ellsbury and Ed Robinson. After discussion and hearing no objections, Jeanne moved to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS the Board of County Commissioners accepted a Petition filed by Trey Hendrickson and others to alter a portion of a public road, known as the South Mountain Road, Road File No. 281 recorded at Instrument No. 518315 located at Rod 22 Map 1220 (formerly File 311 Map 1220) located across the following described real property, to wit:
SECTION 19: LOT 4 (SW1/4SW1/4)
SECTION 30: LOT 1 (NW1/4NW1/4)
SECTION 24: SE1/4SE1/4
SECTION 25: NE1/4NE1/4
WHEREAS an agreement was entered into for some of the petitioners to pay for the costs to commence proceedings to determine whether or not to alter the public road;
WHEREAS Wyoming Statute 34-12-106 through 111 require that any public road be altered or vacated in a manner provided by law for the alteration or discontinuance of highways and such laws are set forth at Wyoming Statute 24-3-101, et sec., that allows for the establishment, alteration, and/or vacation of County roads;
WHEREAS a viewer was appointed pursuant to Wyoming Statute 24-3-105 and 106 who filed a written report with the Board recommending the public road known as the South Mountain Road be altered;
WHEREAS the Board resolved in Resolution No. 2022-7 to commence proceedings to alter said public road;
WHEREAS on March 4, 2022, the County Clerk mailed copies of the Petition to Alter a portion of Public Road, Resolution No. 2022-7 To Commence Proceedings to Alter a Portion of Public Road No. 281, known as the South Mountain Road, the Notice of Hearing, and the Viewer’s Oath and Report by U.S. First Class Mail, certified, return receipt requested to all parties having an interest in the land over which the road is proposed to be altered as required by W.S. 24-3-110;
WHEREAS the landowners whose land the alteration of said road goes across consented to said road being altered;
WHEREAS the Notice of Hearing to alter said road was published in the Sundance Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Crook County, Wyoming for two (2) consecutive weeks on March 3, 2022 and March 10, 2022 as required by and substantially in conformance with W.S. 24-3-110;
WHEREAS no objections were filed in writing with the County Clerk of Crook County at P. O. Box 37 Sundance, WY 82729 on or before noon on the 4th day of April, 2022, and no objections were made at the hearings held April 5, 2022 at 2:30 p.m.;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming that:
1. The Public Road known as the South Mountain Road, Road File No. 281 recorded at Instrument No. 518315 located at Rod 22 Map 1220 (formerly File 311 Map 1220) is ALTERED as shown on the Map of Survey recorded at Instrument No. 676793 Rod No. 27 Map 1633;
2. This Resolution shall be recorded in the land records with the Crook County Clerk, Sundance, WY and the term ALTERED and the recording information of this resolution shall be written on Instrument No. 518315 with reference to the recording data of the portions altered, vacated and established.
Dated this 5st day of April, 2022
Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming by Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman, Jeanne A.
Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman and Fred M. Devish, Member.
State of Wyoming }
County of Crook }
Signed or attested before me on April 5, 2022 by Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman, Jeanne A. Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman and Fred M. Devish, Member, Board of Crook County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming.
Linda Fritz, Crook County Clerk
Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Doug Leis, County Fire Warden, gave a monthly report. Ed Robinson, Homeland Security County Coordinator, gave a monthly report.
Fred moved to approve the 2022 Wyoming Wildland Fire Management Annual Operating Plan and the Wyoming Cooperative Wildland Fire Management and Stafford Act Response Agreement. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Present for the hearing to conditionally suspend the dissolution of the Aladdin Water District were Joe Baron and Randy Strader. Randy addressed each condition of the order and informed the Board as to what all has been accomplished. Fred moved to find that the Aladdin Water District has substantially complied with the conditions set forth in Resolution 2021-10 and should not be dissolved. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Jeanne moved for a letter to be sent to Sundance State Bank increasing the credit card limit for the fire department from $1,000 to $5,000. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Present for the hearing on the ARPA application process were Bridget Helms, Jamie Tarver (via Teams), Joe Baron, Tina Wood, Jeff Hodge, Tammy Jundt and Dave Tonak. Joe Baron went over the application requirements in order to request American Rescue Plan Funds. After a couple of minor changes to the forms, Fred moved to approve the forms and requirements for funding requests of the American Rescue Plan Act funds awarded to the County. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Jeff Hodge, County Sheriff, discussed dispatcher wages and the purchasing of the fire repeater that will be placed in the Alva area. He is requesting a 20% contingency on the price due to inflated costs for supplies. Jeff discussed the difficulties he is having with trying to staff the dispatcher center. The Board approved increasing the wages.
The meeting adjourned at 4:57 o’clock p.m.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and County Clerk Linda Fritz.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.
Morgan Ellsbury, Road and Bridge Superintendent and Larry Schommer, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor, continued their monthly reports.
Jeanne moved to approve a License for Use of County Road or Property for Harold Burch on D Road No. 68. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Present for the discussion on the appointment of a viewer and appraiser for the Petition to Vacate a Portion of County Road No. 21 known as the Cold Springs County Road and a Portion of County Road No. 807 known as the Lost Canyon County Road were Mark Hughes, Mike McGuckin, Joe Baron, Morgan Ellsbury and Jeff Hodge (per Teams). Fred moved to appoint Jeff Hodge and John D. Davis as viewers and appraisers. Discussion was held. After discussion and with no second on the motion, Fred rescinded his motion. Fred then moved to appoint John D. Davis as a viewer and appraiser. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Theresa Curren, County Assessor, presented the following tax refund: 2022-0069. Fred moved to approve the tax refund as presented. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried. Discussion and planning was held on the Board of Equalization process for this year.
Fred made a motion for the County Clerk to use the Board’s facsimile stamps on a letter of support to WYDOT on bridge repair once the correct bridge is listed on their projects. The bridge listed on their report was incorrect. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Present for the salary matrix discussion were Tina Wood, Melissa Jones, Tammy Jundt, Todd Leimser, Jeff Hodge, Tim Lyons, Joe Baron and Theresa Curren.
Adjourned for lunch at 12:02 o’clock p.m.
1:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and County Clerk Linda Fritz.
Jill Mackey, Crook County Library Director, gave a monthly report. Jeanne moved to approve a Proclamation declaring April 3-9, 2022 as National Library Week. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried. Mike Gosse, District Ranger, USFS, Jenna Ellsbury, Director, Crook County Senior Services, Dru Bower, DJ & A (via Teams) and Alycia Davis, Office Manager and Wade Dennis, District Director, Weed & Pest, gave updates on items of interest within their departments.
Tom Overstreet, KLH Consulting, (via Teams) gave a monthly update. Also present were Soni Lampert, Jon
Iglehart & Kevin Kiesel, KLH Consulting (per Teams), Tina Wood, Tammy Jundt, Jeff Hodge, Joe Baron and
Theresa Curren.
Present to discuss the proposal requested for the IT audit were James Van Loan & Eric Eisenbraun, Golden West
Technologies (via Teams), Jeff Hodge, Joe Baron, Tina Wood, Theresa Curren and Tammy Jundt. After discussion,
Fred moved to approve of the proposal by Golden West Technologies for the audit and to have the County Clerk use
their facsimile stamp on the Non-Disclosure Agreement document once approved by the County Attorney. Jeanne
seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Present to discuss elected official wages for the next 4 years were Joe Baron, Jeff Hodge, Tina Wood, Sarah Pridgeon, Betty Lantis, Sean Sproul, Tammy Jundt, Theresa Curren and Roger Connett. No decision was made.
The Board watched a webinar on grants available at the State.
Jeanne moved to approve the Crook County Wyoming Compensation Policy for Crook County Employees. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Fred moved to transfer funds as follows: Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-112, notice is given that a Resolution has been proposed to transfer the following funds. Notice is further given that a hearing of the Board of Crook County Commissioners of Crook County, Wyoming will be held on May 3, 2022 at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to consider such proposed resolutions:
• $25,000.00 to the Federal Grants Budget-COVID 19 disease surveillance line-from Unanticipated Revenues
• $30,000.00 to the Miscellaneous Budget-Computer/Maintenance/Repairs/Internet line-from Unanticipated Revenues
Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Jeanne moved to accept the letter of resignation from County Clerk Linda Fritz effective May 31, 2022. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Rally Licenses: On May 4, 2022 at 2:00 o’clock p.m. in the Commissioner’s Room at the Courthouse in Sundance, Wyoming, the Board of Crook County Commissioners will be accepting requests for Twenty-Four Hour Special Malt Beverage Permits and Twenty-Four Hour Special Catering Permits for biker rally week. Applications may be obtained from the Crook County Clerk’s Office. The application and fees must be returned to the Crook County Clerk by or before April 27, 2022 at 5:00 o’clock p.m.
Commissioner Scholarships: The Board of County Commissioners awards three scholarships of $1,000.00 each to 3 recipients each year. There is also one Renewal scholarship, in the amount of $1,000.00, available to a current college student who has received a prior Commissioner scholarship. For more information, please contact the County Clerk’s Office at 307-283-1323. Due date is April 29, 2022.
Newspaper Bids: The Board of Crook County Commissioners is requesting bids for the official county newspaper for a three-year term, starting July 1, 2022. All bids must be submitted to the Crook County Clerk, P.O. Box 37, Sundance, WY 82729, by or before May 13, 2022 at 5:00 o’clock p.m.
Auditor Bids: The Board of Crook County Commissioners is requesting bids for county auditor for fiscal years 2022, 2023 and 2024. All bids must be submitted to the Crook County Clerk, P.O. Box 37, Sundance, WY 82729, by or before May 13, 2022 at 5:00 o’clock p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 4:47 o’clock p.m. to meet in regular session on May 3 & 4, 2022 at 8:30 o’clock a.m., in the Commissioner Room at the Courthouse in Sundance, Wyoming.
Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman Jeanne A. Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman
Fred M. Devish, Member Attested: Linda Fritz, County Clerk
Publish: May 12, 2022