September 12, 2024


Step Into The Technology


13 min read

REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL MITCHELL, SOUTH DAKOTA April 18, 2022 6:00 P.M. PRESENT: Dan Allen, Marty Barington, John Doescher, Kevin McCardle, Steve Rice, Dan Sabers, Jeffrey Smith, Susan Tjarks ABSENT: PRESIDING: Mayor Bob Everson AGENDA: Mayor Everson amended the agenda to include an Executive Session for legal and to continue the Motions & Procedures review. Moved by McCardle, seconded by Rice, to approve the following items on the consent agenda: a. City Council Minutes 1. City Council April 4, 2022. b. Committee Reports 1. Planning Commission March 28, 2022 and 2. Golf/Cemetery Board February 8, 2022. c. Department Reports 1. Sales Tax Collections (March), 2. Finance (March), 3. Building Permits (March), 4. Police (March), 5. Fire/EMS (March), 6. Code Enforcement (March), 7. Palace Transit (December, January, February, March) 8. Water (March), and 9. Airport (March). d. MADC Quarterly Report. e. Special Event Permit for DWU Graduation Reception May 8, 2022. f. Raffle Permit 1. Mitchell Friends of NRA with the drawing to be held on September 10, 2022. g. LWCF Grant Application for development of Pickleball Courts h. Set date 2:00 pm April 27, 2022 for bid opening for Landfill Cell #4 Project #2021-08. i. Set date of May 2, 2022 for hearing 1. On the application of Big Friend Little Friend of the Mitchell Area for a Special Event Liquor/Malt Beverage License located on Main Street on May 28, 2022 for the Memorial Weekend in Mitchell, 2. On the application of Jlin Crafts LLC dba Board & Brush, 405 North Main for a new Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine License (does not include video lottery), 3. On the application of Jlin Crafts LLC dba Board & Brush, 405 North Main for a new Retail (on-off sale) Wine & Cider License (does not include video lottery), 4. On the application to transfer RL-5757 Retail (on-sale) Liquor License from Fredericksen Restaurant LLC dba Chef Louies, 601 East Havens to Austen LLC dba Corn Palace Inn, 1001 South Burr Street, and 5. On the application to transfer RW-7501 Retail (on-off sale) Wine & Cider License from Fredericksen Restaurant LLC dba Chef Louies, 601 East Havens to Austen LLC dba Corn Palace Inn, 1001 South Burr Street. j. Approval of Gas and Fuel Quotations Howe’s Oil Requested Bid Price per Total Bid Gallons Gallons Product On Road Diesel-#2 2,000 2,000 $4.037 $ 8,074.00 Off Road Diesel-#2 5,500 5,500 $3.762 $20,691.00 Total Bid: $28,765.00 i. Pay Estimates April 18, 2022 Pay Estimate #7-2021 in the amount of $8,666.66 for Mitchell Airport Snow Removal #2019-53R2 contracted to Quality Cut Lawn & Snow, Pay Estimate #11 in the amount of $1,377.50 for Landfill Cell #4 #2021-08 contracted to Helms & Associates, Pay Estimate #13 in the amount of $84,161.74 for North Wastewater Improvements #2021-31 contracted to HDR Engineering, Pay Estimate #6 in the amount of $9,632.00 for Mitchell Risk & Resilience Assessment #2021-36 contracted to HDR Engineering, Pay Estimate #6 in the amount of $12,170.00 for Corn Palace Renovation Planning #2021-44 contracted to Schemmer, Pay Estimate #2 in the amount of $4,045.00 for Old Landfill Monitoring #2022-28 contracted to GeoTek Engineering, and Pay Estimate #3 in the amount of $8,150.00 for New Landfill Monitoring #2022-29 contracted to GeoTek Engineering. j. Approve Bills, Payroll, Salary Adjustments and New Employee Hires and Authorize Payment of Recurring and other expenses in advance as approved by the Finance Officer. PAYROLL MARCH 20, 2022 – APRIL 2, 2022: City Council $3,411.04, Mayor $1,474.35, City Administrator $5,536.92, Attorney $4,601.23, Finance $13,153.06, Human Resources $3,703.81, Municipal Building $3,139.61, Information Technology $2,809.76, Police $68,569.82, Traffic $4,809.36, Fire $33,548.34, Street $27,300.67, Public Works $19,145.89, Cemetery $4,966.68, Animal Control $1,630.08, Library $16,870.09, Recreation & Aquatics $5,800.87, Recreation Center $19,274.55, Sports Complexes $9,109.18, Parks $11,898.96, Supervision $5,666.66, E911 $20,343.42, MVP $783.25, Palace Transit $22,370.57, JVCC $1,091.79, Nutrition $3,984.61, Water Distribution $12,729.78, Sewer $15,479.09, Airport $3,207.27, Recycling Program $6,368.89, Waste Collection $5,787.98 Landfill $9,030.10, Corn Palace $14,936.77, Golf Course $4,680.89, Emergency Medical Services $30,396.17. NEW HIRES: CEMETERY: Dean Strand-$11.95 E-911: Brittani Dyce-$20.124 RECREATION CENTER: Alexis Bair-$10.45 TRAFFIC: Lincoln Erickson-$14.95 SALARY ADJUSTMENTS: CEMETERY: Jonathon Thurman-$21.407 FIRE: Zachary Dalrymple-$24.306, Brandon Manchester-$22.007 LANDFILL: Jaylon Tollefson-$32.196 PALACE TRANSIT: Donald Trebil-$20.131 POLICE: Sawyer Gibson-$32.579 RECREATION CENTER: Joseph Haiar-$25.792 WARRANTS: A&B Business Solutions, Contract-$4,049.68; A-Ox Welding Supply, Rental-$224.19; Accounts Management, Garnishment-$398.00; Advance Auto Parts, Supplies-$5.21; AFSCME Council 65, Union Dues-$487.08; Amazon Capital Services, Supplies-$2,149.48; Aqua-Pure, Supplies-$1,970.00; Aramark Uniform Services, Supplies-$261.16; Associated Pool Builders, Maintenance-$7,839.92; Associated Supply, Supplies-$1,095.05; AT&T Mobility-Palace, Utilities-$1,573.65; AT&T Mobility Police, Utilities-$1,363.37; ATV Holdings, LLC DBA Mitchell Telecom, Utilities-$2,567.25; Avera Queen of Peace Hospital, Supplies-$200.15; Axon Enterprise, Maintenance 5 Year-$4,866.00; B-Y Water District, April Usage-$51,546.84; Bailey Metal Fabricators, Repair-$654.52; Baker & Taylor, Books-$78.20; Bechen Electric, Maintenance-$352.60; Big Daddy D’s, Contract Services-$4,444.00; Blackstone Publishing, Books-$40.00; Blue Valley Public Safety, Repair-$173.27; Boyer Ford Trucks, Supplies-$86.17; Builders First Source, Supplies-$273.02; Butler Machinery, Supplies-$116.67; C&B Operations, Repair-$279.26; Carolina Software. Supplies-$500.00; CDW Government, Supplies-$2,568.34; Cengage Learning Inc/Gale, Books-$307.90; Center Point Large Print, Books-$91.68; Central Electric, Utilities-$12,366.60; City of Mitchell, Reimbursements-$1,500.00; CK Bicycles & Locks, Maintenance-$85.00; Coborns, Contract Services-$498.75; Coca Cola Bottling, Supplies-$117.60; Connections, Training-$1,915.20; Conrad Repair, Supplies-$146.03; Core & Main, Supplies-$12,851.34; Core-Mark Midcontinent, Supplies-$2,765.57; Corn Palace, Supplies-$14.00; County Fair, Supplies-$2,714.00; Culligan Water, Rental-$50.00; Dak Tech, Grant Funded-$3,774.00; Dakota Fluid Power, Supplies-$163.78; Dakota Gamber, Supplies-$837.85; Dakota Heartland Development, 2nd Quarter Contribution-$7,500.00; Dakota Landscaping & Irrigation, Supplies-$225.00; Dakota Pump, Supplies-$761.46; Dakota Supply Group, Supplies-$191.22; Daniel Fechner, Supplies-$242.33; Darrington Water Conditioning, Rent-$49.40; Davison County Treasurer, 2022 1st Half Tax Amount-$13.68; Davison Rural Water Systems, April Fees-$125.30; Daylight Donut, Supplies-$48.36; Dean Knippling, Supplies-$94.97; Debbie Christiansen, Claim Refund-$600.00; Demco, Supplies-$75.54; Department of Social Services, Child Support-$600.87; Dice Benefits Consulting, March Fees-$495.00; Dick’s Towing, Police Tow-$315.00; Diesel Machinery, Supplies-$316.50; Dillon Coughlin, Supplies-$117.80; Dr. Hilary Rockwell, Contract Services-$1,500.00; Dug Out, Contract Services-$745.50; Emergency Education, Training-$175.00; Environmental Equipment & Services, Supplies-$144.16; Farmers Alliance, Supplies-$7,093.10; Fedex, Shipping-$41.89; Floor Tec, Supplies-$129.45; Floor to Ceiling Store, Supplies-$5,141.34; Foreman Sales & Service, Bus Trip-$875.00; Forum Communications, Publishing-$105.00; Galls, Supplies-$41.58; Gaylen’s Homegrown Popcorn, Supplies-$424.80; Gaylord Bros, Supplies-$355.12; Geotek Engineering, 2022-28 P.E. #2-$12,195.00; Golden West Technologies, Monitoring-$314.97; Grainger, Supplies-$500.57; Great Western Tire, Supplies-$1,020.64; Guardian Alliance Technology, Background Checks-$50.00; Harve’s Pro Prints, Supplies-$289.50; HDR Engineering, 2021-31 P.E. #13-$93,793.74; Helms and Associates, 2021-8 P.E. #11-$1,377.50; Henry Schein, Supplies-$823.58; ICAN, Publishing-$1,450.00; Independent Viking Glass, Supplies-$567.97; Ingram Library Services, Books-$1,480.00; Innovative Office Solution, Supplies-$74.73; Interstate Office Products, Supplies-$176.17; Iverson Chrysler Center, Rental-$59.95; JCL Solutions, Supplies-$193.15; John Hegg, Training-$52.00; Johnson Controls, Service Agreement-$4,405.13; Jones Supplies, Supplies-$2,058.08; Krohmer Plumbing, Repairs-$372.66; Lakeview Veterinary Clinic, Supplies-$1,059.52; Larry’s I-90 Service, Supplies-$160.45; Leighton Family Farms, Supplies-$450.00; M & T Fire and Safety, Supplies-$777.61; Make It Mine Designs, Supplies-$124.35; Mark Jenniges, Planning Conference-$54.00; McLeod’s Printing, Supplies-$6,143.67; Mega Wash, Supplies-$24.00; Menard’s, Supplies-$1,409.61; Menning Excavating, Maintenance-$3,348.95; Meyers Oil, Supplies-$1,593.71; Mid-American Research Chemical, Supplies-$225.65; Midcontinent Communication, Publishing-$4,662.88; Midstates Equipment & Supplies, Supplies-$2,370.00; Midwest Alarm, Fire Alarm Service-$262.50; Midwest Fire & Safety, Supplies-$71.25; Midwest Turf & Irrigation, Supplies-$488.41; Scheurenbrand, Refund-$210.32; Mitchell Area Development, 2022 2nd Quarter Allocation-$41,750.00; Mitchell Concrete Product, Supplies-$645.75; Mitchell Convention & Visitors Bureau, 2022 Funding April-$20,800.00; Mitchell Iron & Supply, Supplies-$181.60; Mitchell Main Street and Beyond, 2022 2nd Quarter Allocation Funds-$8,750.00; Mitchell Municipal Band, 2022 Allocation, 12,540.00; Mitchell School District, Utilities-$1,956.14; Mitchell United Way, United Way Contributions-$199.66; Mobotrex, Maintenance-$1,602.00; Mount Vernon School District, Contract Services-$115.50; Mueller Lumber, Supplies-$933.23; Muth Electric, Repair-$3,201.04; N-Able Solutions, Supplies-$230.44; Napa Central, Supplies-$238.55; North Central Seed, Supplies-$262.50; Northwestern Energy & Communications, Utilities-$46,097.55; OCLC, Cataloging Subscription-$361.72; One Source the Background, Background Checks-$447.00; Overtime Steak House and Sports Bar, Contract Services-$2,583.00; Paulson Sheet Metal, Maintenance-$274.26; Pepsi Cola, Supplies-$328.65; Pigott, Supplies-$5,846.88; Prairie Fire Solutions, Inspection-$685.00; Prehistoric Indian Village, 2022 2nd Quarter Allocation-$3,250.00; Premier Equipment, Supplies-$71.85; Premier Pest Control, Contract Services-$200.00; Premier Specialty Vehicles, Supplies-$105.37; Public Health Laboratory, Lab-$90.00; Qualified Presort, Mailing Service-$355.50; Quality Cut Lawn & Tree Service, 2019-53R2 P.E. #7-2021-$8,666.66; Riverside Technologies, Maintenance-$320.00; Rockmount Research & Alloy, Supplies-$1,079.12; Runnings Supply, Supplies-$3,448.36; Saga Communications of South Dakota, Publishing-$1,186.50; Santel Communications, Utilities-$106.16; Schemmer, #2021-44 P.E. #6-$12,170.00; Schoenfelder Portables, Rental-$250.00; Scott Supply, Supplies-$232.08; South Dakota Department of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Solid Waste-$500.00; South Dakota Department of Environment & Natural Resources, March Solid Waste-$2,878.74; South Dakota Retirement System, Retirement Contributions-$52,149.04; South Dakota Supplemental Retirement, Supplemental Retirement-$3,439.80; South Dakota Supplemental Roth 457, Roth 457 Contributions-$1,353.50; Sherwin-Williams, Supplies-$289.55; SHI International, Supplies-$415.10; Siteone Landscape Supply, Supplies-$4,508.93; Stan Houston Equipment, Supplies-$72.83; Standard Insurance Company, Life Insurance-$421.24; Staples, Supplies-$565.56; Streicher’s Minneapolis, Supplies-$6,426.00; Sturdevants Mitchell, Supplies-$5,233.65; Subway, Meals-$29.96; Sun Gold Sports, Supplies-$1,008.00; Teamsters Local No. 120, Union Dues-$1,506.00; Tessier’s, Supplies-$133.93; Thomas L Price, Professional Service-$350.00; Thomson Reuters West, Software-$777.48; Thune True Value Hardware, Supplies-$266.68; TK Electric, Supplies-$547.46; TMA Stores, Supplies-$1,685.00; Tractor Supply Credit Plan, Supplies-$65.98; Transource, Supplies-$2.19; Trizetto Provider Solution, Professional Service-$74.40; Two Way Solutions, Supplies-$9,106.97; UPS Store #4227, Shipping-$385.07; USA Blue Book, Supplies-$406.53; Verizon Wireless, Utilities-$791.84; Vern Eide Chevrolet Buick, Police Tow-$320.00; Walmart/Capital One, Supplies-$237.08; Wheelco Brake & Supply, Supplies-$711.05; Wholesale Electronics, Supplies-$41.25; Yamaha Golf & Utility, Supplies-$143.59; Zimco Supply, Supplies-$176.85; Ellwein Brothers, Supplies-$623.40; Wellmark of South Dakota, Administration, Prescription Medical-$230,863.70; South Dakota State Treasurer, Sales Tax Payment-$18,188.47. Members present voting aye: Allen, Barington, Doescher, McCardle, Rice, Sabers, Smith, Tjarks. Members present voting nay: none. Motion carried. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: Moved by Allen, seconded by Rice, for the City Council to recess and sit as the Board of Adjustment. Motion carried. It was advised that this is the date and time set for hearing on the application of Amy Hotz for a conditional use permit to operate a family residential daycare located at 708 East 2nd Avenue, legally described as Lot 9, Block 16, FM Greene Addition, City of Mitchell, Davison County, South Dakota. The property is zoned R2 Single Family Residential District. The Planning Commission recommended approval of said application with the following conditions, the permit is nontransferable, if the business ceases to operate for a period of six months a new permit is required, and pass a fire inspection. Moved by Rice, seconded by Allen, to approve said application with Planning Commission recommendations. Motion carried. It was advised that this is the date and time set for hearing on the application of Jasmyn Lang for a conditional use permit to operate a family residential daycare located at 717 West Ash Avenue, legally described as Lot 12, Block 10, Railroad Addition, City of Mitchell, Davison County, South Dakota. The property is zoned R2 Single Family Residential District. The Planning Commission recommended approval of said application with the following conditions, the permit is nontransferable, if the business ceases to operate for a period of six months a new permit is required, and pass a fire inspection. Moved by Tjarks, seconded by McCardle, to approve said application with Planning Commission recommendations. Motion carried. It was advised that this is the date and time set for hearing on the application of Mike Hauser for a variance for a combination attached and detached accessory buildings of 3,270 square feet vs 2,000 square feet and a height variance of 24’ vs 22’ located at 2021 West 23rd Avenue, legally described as Lot A of Mason’s Addition in the NE ¼ of Section 17, T 103 N, R 60 W of the 5th P.M., Davison County, South Dakota. The property is zoned R4 High Density Residential District. The Planning Commission recommended approval of said application. Moved by Tjarks, seconded by Rice, to approve said application. Motion carried. It was advised that this is the date and time set for hearing on the application of Mitchell Prehistoric Indian Village for a front yard variance for a historic site building of 22’ vs 30’ located at 3200 Indian Village Road, legally described as Mitchell Prehistoric Indian Village Site in the NE ¼ of Section 9, T 103 N, R 60 W of the 5th P.M., Davison County, South Dakota. The property is zoned PL Public Lands District. The Planning Commission recommended approval of said application with the condition the building be no closer than the existing building. Moved by Sabers, seconded by Tjarks, to approve said application. Motion carried. Moved by Rice, seconded by Barington, to set date for May 2, 2022 on the application of Stephen Laughlin for a variance for an accessory building to be located in the front yard located at 925 East 7th Avenue, legally described as Lot 4, Block 6, FM Greene’s Addition, City of Mitchell, Davison County, South Dakota. Motion carried. Moved by Tjarks, seconded by Allen, for the Board of Adjustment to adjourn and the City Council to reconvene in regular session. Motion carried. HEARING: It was advised that this is the date and time set for hearing on the application of the Corn Palace Shrine Club for a Special Event Liquor License located at the Masonic Hall on April 30, 2022 for a wedding dance. Notice of hearing has been given and affidavit of publication is on file. Moved by McCardle, seconded by Rice, to approve said application. Motion carried. AWARD BID: Bids were opened and read on 200-400 Blocks of East 10th Avenue Utility Upgrade Project #2022-02 on the 12th day of April, 2022. Moved by McCardle, seconded by Allen, to award, as follows: 200-400 BLOCKS OF EAST 10TH AVENUE UTILITY UPGRADE PROJECT #2022-02 Schoenfelder Construction, 3131 West Havens, Mitchell, SD 57301 Bid Schedule A $365,616.80 Bid Schedule C $ 51,616.00 First Rate Excavate, 1509 East 39th Street North, Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Bid Schedule B $162,618.02 Motion carried. CONSIDER APPROVAL: Moved by Sabers, seconded by Rice, to approve the Special Event Permit for the Beers and Gears Mountain Bike Race Event on July 16, 2022. Motion carried. Moved by Tjarks, seconded by Smith, to approve SD DOT Section 5339 Grant Funds Amendment for Vehicle Cameras. Motion carried. Moved by Allen, seconded by Rice, to approve Agreement #A2022-15, Design of Quince Street from Miller Street to Wisconsin Street Project #2022-07 with SPN & Associates in an amount not to exceed $17,000.00. Motion carried. Moved by McCardle, seconded by Rice, to approve Agreement #A2022-16, Construction Phase Services with Ducks Unlimited in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00. Motion carried. RESOLUTIONS: Moved by Rice, seconded by McCardle, to approve Resolution #R2022-19, Plat of Lot 1 of Moore’s Addition in the SE ¼ of Section 9, T 104 N, R 60 W of the 5th P.M., Davison County, South Dakota, as follows: RESOLUTION #R2022-19 WHEREAS, It appears that the City Planning Commission of the City of Mitchell, South Dakota, did duly consider and did recommend the approval and adoption of the hereinafter described plat, at its meeting held on the 11th day of April, 2022; and WHEREAS, it appears from an examination of the plat of LOT 1 OF MOORE’S ADDITION IN THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 9, T 104 N R 60 W OF THE 5TH P.M., DAVISON COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA as prepared by Jeremy A. Wolbrink, a duly licensed Land Surveyor in and for the State of South Dakota, that said is in accordance with the system of streets and alleys set forth in the master plan adopted by the City Planning Commission of the City of Mitchell, South Dakota, and that such plat has been prepared according to law; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of Mitchell, South Dakota that the plat of LOT 1 OF MOORE’S ADDITION IN THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 9, T 104 N R 60 W OF THE 5TH P.M., DAVISON COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA as prepared by Jeremy A. Wolbrink, be and the same is approved and the description set forth therein and the accompanying surveyor’s certificate shall prevail. Motion carried and resolution declared duly adopted. ORDINANCES: Moved by Rice, seconded by Barington, to place Ordinance #O2022-06, Amending Woodland Heights Planned Unit Development on second reading. Motion carried. Moved by Tjarks, seconded by Allen, to adopt Ordinance #O2022-06, Amending Woodland Heights Planned Unit Development, as follows: ORDINANCE O2022-06 An Ordinance amending 10-9B-3, Woodland Heights Planned Development District, Title 10 Zoning Regulations, City of Mitchell Municipal Code NOW BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MITCHELL, DAVISON COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, Section 1. That 10-9B-3: Scope of Regulations, C., Subarea C., be amended by changing the Lot numbers from “Block 6” to “Lots 10-12 Block 5, Block 6” so to be read as follows: C. Subarea C. Also known as Lots 10-12 Block 5, Block 6, Woodland Heights First Addition, City of Mitchell, Davison County, South Dakota. Section 2. The City Finance Officer shall cause notice of adoption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper and twenty (20) days after the completed publication, unless the referendum is invoked, this ordinance shall become effective. Members present voting aye: Allen, Barington, Doescher, McCardle, Rice, Sabers, Smith, Tjarks. Members present voting nay: none. Motion carried and ordinance declared duly adopted. Moved by Smith, seconded by Tjarks, to place Ordinance #O2022-07, Supplemental Appropriations on second reading. Motion carried. Moved by Rice, seconded by Barington, to adopt Ordinance #O2022-07, Supplemental Appropriations, as follows: ORDINANCE NO. O2022-07 SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE CITY OF MITCHELL, DAVISON COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA BE IT ORDAINED, BY THE CITY OF MITCHELL, DAVISON COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, that the following sums be appropriated to authorize certain expenditures and to meet certain obligations for the year 2022 according to statute: GENERAL FUND FINANCE 101-41420-42200 Professional Services $5,155 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 101-41935-42645 Computer Hardware $10,000 101-41935-43511 Computer Software $13,000 TRAFFIC 101-42130-43320 Upgrade Signal Lights $68,870 FIRE 101-42200-42500 Repairs & Maintenance $10,454 STREET 101-43100-42630 Gravel Base $50,000 101-43100-43421 Fuel System Upgrade $19,700 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 101-43110-42200 Professional Services $145,270 STREET & SIDEWALK 101-43120-42521 Sidewalk Construction $63,834 101-43120-43300 Street Overlay Maintenance $160,000 STORM DRAINAGE 101-43150-42200 Professional Services $49,758 101-43150-43321 10th- Lawler to Capital $89,000 101-43150-43325 5th & 9th $965,000 CEMETERY 101-43700-43300 Improvements $28,500 LIBRARY 101-45500-42500 Repairs & Maintenance $10,100 101-45500-42600 Supplies & Materials $3,200 101-45500-42902 Computer Software $300 101-45500-43400 Furniture & Equipment $5,304 101-45500-42904 Computer Equipment $6,500 OTHER FINANCING USES 101-49000-51120 Transfer out to EMS $224,000 The funding will come from the General Fund cash balance, designated cash balances, grant revenue received, and project financing. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS PARKS & RECREATION FUND RECREATION CENTER 201-45140-42600 Supplies & Materials $2,100 201-45140-43300 Capital Improvements- Other $200,000 201-45140-43400 Capital Equipment $5,000 SPORTS COMPLEX 201-45160-42500 Repairs & Maintenance $3,600 201-45160-43300 Capital Improvements- Other $528,037 201-45160-43400 Capital Equipment $10,998 PARKS 201-45210-42604 Trees $4,260 201-45210-43300 Capital Improvements- Other $20,000 SUPERVISION 201-45220-42600 Supplies $2,000 The funding will come from the Park Fund cash balance. LAKE MITCHELL FUND 203-45220-42200 Professional Services $137,194 The funding will come from the Lake Mitchell Fund cash balance. E911 FUND 214-43500-43460 Radio System Upgrade $37,500 The funding will come from the E911 Fund cash balance. COMMUNITY SERVICES FUND PALACE TRANSIT 218-45150-43411 Computer Hardware $21,056 The funding will come from the Community Services Fund cash balance. ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER FUND WATER TREATMENT PLANT 602-43330-42210 Professional Services $62,000 WATER DISTRIBUTION 602-43340-42225 Professional Services $10,000 602-43340-43311 Valve Replacements- Contracted $19,734 602-43340-43312 Valve Replacements- City $26,297 602-43340-43329 South Harmon Utilities $343,704 OTHER FINANCING USES 602-49000-51101 Transfer out to Lake Fund $137,194 The funding will come from the Water Fund cash balance and financing. WASTEWATER FUND WASTEWATER COLLECTION 604-43250-42200 Professional Services $27,000 604-43250-43310 Manhole Rehabilitation $100,000 604-43250-43317 CIPP $350,218 604-43250-43339 West Harmon Utilities $462,016 SANITATION FUND RECYCLING 612-43220-42250 Professional Fees $106,505 612-43220-43430 Dumpsters $10,000 GOLF FUND 614-45250-42500 Repairs & Maintenance $3,120 Members present voting aye: Allen, Barington, Doescher, McCardle, Rice, Sabers, Smith, Tjarks. Members present voting nay: none. Motion carried and ordinance declared duly adopted. CONSIDER APPROVAL: Moved by Tjarks, seconded by Allen, to approve designating $4,000,000.00 in funds in General Fund reserves. Motion carried. ORDINANCE: It was advised that this is the date and time set for hearing on Ordinance #O2022-05, Codifying and Amending BID #2. Moved by Rice, seconded by McCardle, to place Ordinance #O2022-05, Codifying and Amending BID #2 on first reading and continuing the hearing. Motion carried. REVIEW: City Attorney Justin Johnson continued the review of Motions and Procedures from the Work Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Moved by Tjarks, seconded by Rice, to go into Executive Session as permitted by SDCL 1-25-2(3) Consulting with legal counsel or reviewing communications from legal counsel about proposed or pending litigation or contractual matters. Motion carried. Mayor Everson declared the board out of executive session at 7:20 p.m. and the City Council to reconvene in regular session at 7:21 p.m. ADJOURN: There being no further business to come before the meeting, Mayor Everson adjourned the meeting. _________________________ Michelle Bathke Finance Officer Published once at the total approximate cost of $xx.xx. (April 23, 2022) | Newsphere by AF themes.