VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Explained
Have you heard about VoIP? This is also known as “Voice over Internet Protocol” or Broadband Phones. This is an excellent way to use your high-speed Internet connection to make and receive phone calls. Yes, your phone calls are made and received over your high-speed Internet connection. In most cases, you also have the option to PORT or move/transfer your existing phone number to your VOIP Phone line. If you don’t want to transfer your existing “land-line” phone number to your broadband phone, you will be assigned a phone number by the provider, and in most cases that will be a LOCAL number to your area.
This can be a great way to save a boatload of money on long distance calling, since most services allow you unlimited calls in the continental US and Canada for about $20 to $25 a month, some plans even less! Other plans allow you unlimited calls to Europe and Asia as well for a small additional cost.
Just use your regular phone, plug it into the adapter box that the vendor provides (similar to the picture here), and then plug the other end from that box into your high-speed Internet connection. The only other thing you need to do after that is call!
As recently as a couple of years ago, broadband phones sounded like you were calling from the bathtub, but the quality today is as good as a regular phone in most cases, and the VOIP technology advances continue to improve the quality.
Be aware of what you are purchasing though. VOIP phone service is not a “one size fits all” type of solution, so make sure that the service you get meets your needs, and be sure you are clear on what is and is NOT included in the plan you choose.